Site icon Midwest Money Saving Mommas

Where Have We Been You Ask?

Hey ladies!… and gents?

Where have we been you ask?  No worries, we are still alive and well –We’ve just been working over on Facebook and Instagram trying to bring you all the best sales and inspirations. We’ve been focusing our time on better content and are hoping to now incorporate more of that into our blog for you guys!

We are so excited to start moving forward over here on this outlet. We have so many ideas and plans that we are excited! We hope to put some gift guides together, quick and easy recipes for the busy nights, and one of our main goals is to do a WEEKLY (yes, just weekly) roundup of the top sales from the previous week. Many of you have asked how you can see all the deals if you aren’t a part of any social media outlets. Here it is! Simply sign up with you’re email and we will send you the top deals each week. We promise to only send one email a week — we know how busy mom’s can be. Ain’t nobody got time for more than that!

We are always open for suggestions so if you have any requests, we would love to hear from you!

XOXO, Kati & Lauren

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